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Sino Korean Keyboard

3 reviews
16.1 k downloads

A keyboard that speaks KOREAN!!

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Discover the Sino Korean Keyboard, an expertly crafted keyboard application designed to enhance your typing experience by seamlessly integrating Sino Korean characters, commonly known as Chinese characters used in Korea, right on your mobile device.

The app boasts a Korean IME (Input Method Editor) keyboard, enabling you to type Sino Korean characters with the same ease as typing on a traditional PC. One of the key benefits is the strategically placed number keys, positioned alongside character keys, which significantly streamline the process of typing both numerals and text simultaneously—a convenient feature for multitasking users.

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An important note for those concerned about privacy: the app is committed to maintaining your confidentiality and does not collect any private information. Rest assured, your personal data remains uncompromised.

The free version is a robust starting point, offering essential functionality without cost. However, users seeking extended features may be interested in exploring the paid version. This premium edition provides access to an exhaustive list of Chinese characters corresponding to a typed Korean character and optimizes key placement for even greater ease of use, enhancing efficiency and typing comfort.

Should you encounter any issues, user support is readily available. Simply reach out via email, and expect a swift response aimed at resolving your concerns.

Experience typing in a new, streamlined manner with the Sino Korean Keyboard and stay tuned for upcoming updates and new versions that promise to further refine the typing experience on mobile devices. Download now and join a community of users who prioritize typing efficiency and data security.

Reviewed by Uptodown Content Team

Requirements (Latest version)

  • Android 5.0 or higher required

Information about Sino Korean Keyboard 1.6.9

Package Name com.fancyydk.android.sinokoreankeyboard
License Free
Op. System Android
Category General
Language English
45 more
Author Dongyon Kang
Downloads 16,122
Date Jul 3, 2022
Content Rating +3
Advertisement Not specified
Why is this app published on Uptodown? (More information)
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Older versions

apk 1.6.4 Android + 5.0 Apr 17, 2021
apk 1.6.2 Android + 5.0 Apr 15, 2024
apk 1.5.6 Android + 4.0, 4.0.1, 4.0.2 Dec 25, 2018
apk 1.5.5 Android + 2.2.x Aug 5, 2016
apk 1.5.4 Android + 8 Oct 8, 2015
apk 1.5.4 Android + 2.2.x Apr 28, 2024

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